The Erotic Drama — The Femme Project

#respecthersex: the erotic drama

exploring the depths of one woman's sexual journey


the project

#RespectHerSex: the Erotic Drama, is a short film that explores one woman’s sex and sexuality. The film is a glimpse into the intimate and erotic world of the main character as she engages with her partners and balances the demands of life and sex — communicated through a series of text message conversations. The film's premise challenges traditional, normative ideas that are the basis for how society has socialized women with regard to sex and sexual expression. It encourages the audience to consider a much different perspective. The Femme Project believes that true equality can only be fully realized when women control and own their sex and sexuality.

see the film! screenings + locations


teaser trailer #2

teaser trailer #1


related links and reading

#respecthersex on instagram

ebx briefs press release