
The Trouble with the First Post

In my recent past life as a creative director and designer, I've launched over 100 websites. Interior designers, government contractors, accountants, writers, private schools, foundations and more are all racing for a coveted space to call their own online. And while the visuals matter to vie for your attention, what will make you stick around for more than 3-5 seconds? What makes that website unique? What makes it engaging? What does it have to say? Why should you care?

So, the trouble with websites is...content, content, content.

In creating, designing and writing my own website, a blank screen is intimidating. I've got the visual aesthetics produced, the fonts and color palette coded, page navigation neatly outlined, and that little cursor blinks at me, waiting patiently, insistently for that first word, first line, first paragraph, the first breath of life to an otherwise empty digital canvas. Do I write the perfunctory Welcome to My Website introduction? Boring. How about the esoteric Join me on My Journey musings? Been there. Hmm. Perhaps a comprehensive history of Where I've Been and Oh the Places I'll Go! I think I've got a page for that. 

The trouble with the first much to say.

Should you read, I will blog. What you won't find here...shit I don't care about. What you will find...thoughts, ideas, concepts and art I do give a shit about. And perhaps, you might too.

So, welcome to my website (now that I've snared you). Join me on this journey (because you are utterly curious) and find out where I've been and the places The Femme Project will go.