Election Day Walk

I am an artist, a woman and an American.

On November 8th, Election Day, I took the #DontTrumpWomen message to the streets of Downtown Frederick and walked a course of 19 times — north and south— on Market Street. The Walk was, and will continue to be, a silent protest, a visible stand and an active determination against the misogyny, sexism, racism, homophobia and hatred galvanized by the Trump candidacy for President of our United States.

As I reflect on the outcome of the election, seven days past, my feelings are complex. I thought the best way to communicate them with you, my readers, is to share the public reaction — positive, negative and neutral — to the #DontTrumpWomen Walk.

But Clinton is OK, huh?
— Anonymous Man Walking
I wouldn’t worry...she’s ahead.
— Patriotic Man walking Dog
Don’t Trump Women...what does that mean?”
Ohh, thank you! Did you see my shirt? I am a Nasty Woman!
— Starbucks Patron
Go Trump!
— Random Woman on Market Street
Go Trump! Fuck you...you whore!
— Three Adolescent Boys on Bikes
Yes...Yes...You said it.
— Postwoman
Get a job.
— Business Suit Man
Yes...I voted for Hillary. Have you heard any news on the election?
— Man in Crosswalk
What is she doing? What does that sign mean?
— Confused Girl lunching with Family
Can I get a high five???
— Twenty-Something Man
Now that’s creative. I like that.
— Smoking Woman on Stoop
Can I take your picture? I voted today! Happy Election Day!
— Hipster Woman on Street Corner
T-R-U-M-P! Go Trump!!!
— Three Adolescent Boys on Bikes
She’s back again. She’s just walking in a circle.
— Confused Girl lunching with Family
You’re just his type too.
— Unremarkable Man